Green is the prime color of the world and that from which its loveliness arises. Being in a tropical country and part of the most diverse marine area in the entire world the coral triangle has one of the best quality seaweeds in our planet.
My natural are economic enterprise born out of a passion for healthy and natural products and our deep sense of commitment to our social responsibility. The founders are ardent seekers and consumers of natural, free of synthetic chemicals, minimally processed, environmentally friendly, and sustainably, safely and locally produced products.
Nowadays being a practical and wise mother I am particular in earth friendly and good for my family.That is why I am recommend My natural Brand because of its natural and safe products for everyone. Their main ingredients are seaweeds that has a huge beneficial to our body inside and out.
Seaweed is an increasingly popular ingredient of My Natural. According to research it’s the best dietary source of iodine, which helps support your thyroid gland. It also contains other vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin K, B vitamins, zinc and iron, along with antioxidants that help protect your cells from damage.
I have this daily dillemma while cooking fish and any other dishes I am having a hard time to eliminate the odor good thing mynaturalph mild scent and less preservatives saves the day! This help you also while you are in public toilet, close areas, even inside the car. This is very affordable. A must try for everyone.
My Natural advocacy for a healthy lifestyle, producing and using products that are free from harmful chemicals and ingredients, caring for the planet and sustaining local farming communities.
Visit their facebook page: My natural and @mynaturalph on Instagram for more information about their products.